Over Scorzonera
Schorseneer, vorm, kruiden, soorten, geschiedenis, historie, naamgeving, etymologie, afkomst, gebruik, teelt,

Uit O. Thome,
Meerjarige kruiden en zelden eenjarig.
Bladeren zijn soms gaafrandig en grasachtig of breder en soms min of meer gelobd of verdeeld.
Bloemhoofdjes aan lange stelen, geel.
Een 100 soorten, allemaal in Europa.
Asteracea, Cichorium klasse.
Scorzonera hispanica, L. (Spaans)
Schorseneer, is een tweejarig gewas met lancetvormige bladeren.
De gele bloemen staan op 60‑90cm hoogte.
De bladeren vormen eerst een rozet en later, 1ste of 2de jaar komen de bloemstengels die van bladeren zijn voorzien. Is dus tweejarig, hoewel, om de wortels, als eenjarige gekweekt.
Is afkomstig uit Spanje werd al in 1597 beschreven.
Naam, etymologie.
(Dodonaeus) (a) ‘De Spanjaarden noemen dit kruid scurzonera of scorzonera wat zoveel betekent als of men zei adderkruid of slangenkruid en dat men in het Latijn zei Viperina, Viperaria of Serpentaria, welke naam ze dat gegeven hebben naar de grote kracht die dat heeft tegen het vergif van de slangen en adders want de Spanjaarden noemen de adder in hun taal scurza. Bij de Hoogduitsers en elders heeft het geen eigen naam gekregen en daarom zullen we ons met de naam Scorzonera, dat is adderkruid blijven’.
Het is het Engelse viper’ s grass, serpent root, Duitse Schlangenwurz of Nattergras, ons slangengras.
(b) De naam wordt op het Spaanse escorzonera teruggevoerd en van escorzon: slang, afgeleid, oud Frans scorzon; slang. Schorseneer, Engels scorzonera, Frans scorsonere.
(c) De zwarte wortel heeft voor de latere en foutieve afleiding gezorgd. Toen werd het afgeleid van het Italiaans scorza: bast, en nera: zwart, Schwarzwurzel bij Gessner.
(d) Frans salsifis d’Espagne, werd uit Spanje ingevoerd, sasso van Latijn saxum: steen, de groeiplaats (salsifis zie Tragopogon), Engels black salsify of Spanish salsify, ook black oyster plant.
Bij het schillen komt kleverig sap vrij, keukenmeidenverdriet of huisvrouwenleed, winterasperge.
Monardus, 1512-1588, heeft het bekend gemaakt als een middel tegen gif: ‘The Hearbe Escuerconera the which we have promised to treate of, is an hearbe knowen, and founde within these thirtie yeares.
So it is that in the Countrie of Catalzina in the Countie of Virgell in a towne called Momblanc, was the place whore the herb Escuerconera was first discovered, found out, as al that country is molested, troubled of certaine venomous beasted which are called Escuercos, (schorpioen) and likewise of many other, and although that they are verie venomous and ful of poyson, there are also many in number, as well in the tilled fieldes as amongst trees, and grasse, and especially in the Corne fieldes, in such sort that they are to them in steede of a plague, and an uncurable mischiefe, by reason that the people cannot labour in their Wines, nor reape their corne, nor doe their busines in the fieldes, by meanes that they are so cruelly hurt by them, whose venom and poyson is such, that wheresoever they byte, it swelleth foorthwith, with greate paines, and the swelling riseth up to the heart immediatly, and if they not be remedied and suckered forthwith, they die presently: their Triacle and other benefits which they had, did serve them to little purpose.
And seeing that in this time this plague was so without remedie, it fortuned that they brought to that place from Africa a young man Captive, which did heale them that were bitten with these so venomous beastes, with giving them to eate of a roote, and the iuyce of an hearbe that he knewe which did them so much good, that it healed the bytinges and poyson verie easily. For the which there came so many people to the Moore, that they did not onely make him free, but also rich, and the young man in all this time with all the promises and giftes that they coulde give and make unto him, woulde never tell them what roote and hearbe it was, wherewith he healed so great a plague.
Two Persons of the Towne beeing verie desirous to know the same, by reason it stoode them them so much uppon to knowe what Hearbe is was, went after him and dogged him so politickely, that at the length they sawe where hee gathered the hearbe and tooke out of the grounde, the rootes thereof. The Moore beeing gone, they wente too the place where he gathered it, and they founde the lacke of the grasse that the Moore had gathered, of the which they tooke out a good quantitie, because there was muche there in that place, and they went therewith to the Towne, and so to the house of the Moore, where they found him taking out the herbe of a Bagge the he brought it in: and the one hearbe and the other being seene, they saw that is was all one: whereby the Moore coulde not denie but the thing which had beene by himselfe long time hidden, was now discovered, and the hearb that he had gathered and given, and that which the other brought were all one. And from that time forward al the people began to know it, and such as had neede of it went to gather it, and used it for the bytinges of these venomous beastes, as I have saide. They cal this hearbe Escuerconera because it dooeth heale and remedie the bitinges of this beast, called Estoren in the Catalan tongue, and the same roote is like to the saide beaste, and the beast like to the roote in figure. This beaste or vermin commonly is a Spanne and a halfe long, hee is small in the tayle, and is greater and greater towardes the heade: his head is greate en square with a greate mouth, his tongue blacke and sharpe, his teeth small lyke to a shee Adder, with the which hee dooeth byte, and with his tongue hee doeth pricke like to a Scorpion, his colour is full of blacke spottes, with divers colours, hee goeth evill favouredly, and is continually among Plantes, and Wines, and byteth by the grounde, as hee dooeth men, hee goeth continually by the grounde, and therefore all men looke warily too their feete, where they are. Hee is a fierce beaste and ugly too beholde, and full of myschiefe, his byting is woorser and more dangeroes than the byting of a shee Adder of that country. Onely this Hearbe is contrarie too him which is called of his name Escuerconera: for if they cast the iuyce uppon hym, it maketh him fowle, and if they put it into his mouth and that hee swallowe it downe, hee dyeth. If any man [259] bee bytten with this beaste and dooe eate of the roote and drinke of the iuyce of the hearbe, foorthwith hee is healed: and if hee bee swollen, foorthwith the swelling is gone, and the paines taken away, and also the soundinges, and if the take it immediatly after they be bitten, there will no harme happen tot hem, insomuch that some for pastime dooe cause the saide beaste to byte them in the arme, or in the legge, and as they are byting of them they eate the Roote of the Hearbe, and so feele no hurte at all, savyng onely the Impression with the small Teeth, remaining, and if with the iuyce of this hearbe thet dooe wette throughly their handes and dooe take with them the Escorcu, it dooeth make him foule, in suche sorte that hee dooeth neither byte nor stirre, but is as though hee were dead.’
Zo was het gebruik vroeger. (Dodonaeus) ‘Dan het schijnt dat zijn kracht eerst in Spanje onderzocht is geweest van een slaaf die van een adder gekwetst werd en door het gebruik van deze wortel op korte tijd genezen is’.
Vervolgens werd het geprezen tegen alle soorten vergif, dolle honden en andere giftige dieren en als gevolg daarvan ook tegen de pest dat een soort vergif was.
Schorseneer heeft een lange wortel, die van buiten zwart is. De eetbare wortels worden wel plantaardige oesters genoemd. Ze worden meestal gekweekt op lichtere gronden omdat de wortels nog al lang kunnen worden.
Op die gronden kunnen ze gemakkelijker gerooid worden.
In gebieden waar de moerbei problemen met de groei had werd het blad van de schorseneer wel als vervanger gebruikt voor de zijderupsteelt. De bladeren kunnen als salade gebruikt worden.

Uit J. Sturm,
Scorzonera humilis, L. (nederig) De kleine schorseneer onderscheidt zich van de schorseneer door de stompe omwindselblaadjes en de gladde nootjes.
Wordt 30cm hoog met raapvormige wortelstok en holle stengel.
Rozetbladeren zijn lancetvormig.
Bloeit in augustus met gele bloemen.
Uit Europa en Kaukasus, is beschreven in 1597.
Groeit op droge, voedselarme grond in heidevelden van Europa tot aan de Kaukasus.
Namen zijn naar het melksap, vergelijk ook Polygonum bistorta.
Kleine schorseneer, Kleine of Niedrige Schwarzwurzel, Kraftwurzel, Nettermilch, Schlangenkraut, bohmische of wilde Scorzonare, dwarf viper’s-Grass, Frans scorsonère des prés, scorsonère peu élevé.
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