
Over Apios

Aardpeer, vorm, kruiden, soorten, cultuurvariëteiten, geschiedenis, historie, naamgeving, etymologie, afkomst, gebruik, planten, teelt.

7 soorten komen voor in dit geslacht die groeien in N. Amerika en China.

Het zijn klimplanten met knollen.

Bladen geveerd met 3-9 deelblaadjes die ovaal/lancetvormig zijn.

Bloemen staan in dichte en korte trossen. Het zijn vlinderbloemen.

Fabaceae, vlinderbloemige, Vicia klasse.

Uit H. Witte bij Meemelink.

Apios americana Med. (uit Amerika) (Apios tuberosa, Moench. (bolvormige verdikking) Is een meerjarige klimmer uit O. N. Amerika van 3-4m hoog.

Dunne en sterk rankende stengels.

Geveerde bladeren van 8-15cm lang met 5-7 deelblaadjes.

Bloemen zijn roodbruin tot purper in dichte trossen. De bloemkleur is heel apart in de bordertuin, bruinachtig/vleesrode geurende bloemen die in bloemtrossen staan van 3-10cm lang in juli/augustus. Bruin is een ongewone kleur in de border.

De vrucht is een eetbare peul van 6-12cm lang die veel zetmeel bevatten en van belang voor de inwoners van N. Amerika.

De chocoladebruine wortelknollen die de grootte hebben van een aardappel werden door de Indianen gegeten, ze bevatten veel zetmeel.

De plant groeit in lage gronden en moerassen. Is beschreven in 1640.

Naam, etymologie.

Apios betekent peer in het Grieks, het is een verwijzing naar de vorm van de knollen. Aardpeer, Indiaanse aardappel, Amerikaanse grondnoot, Duitse Erdbirne, Zimtwein of Knollenwicke en Engelse groundnut, American ground nut, mic mac potato, tuberrous rooted wistaria, wild bean, potato bean. 

Uit www.flickriver.com

Apios priceana Robins (Amerikaanse botanist dr. Robert Price) is een klimmende geelgroene plant die uit een stevige aardappelachtige knol komt, 3-5m.

Licht roze tot groengele bloemen komen in de zomer.

Druifachtige bladeren van 20-30cm met 7 deelblaadjes die afwisselend staan aan de stengel.

De knollen werden door de Indianen en eerste zendelingen gegeten.

Lange peulen van 10-15cm.

Groeit in Amerika van Alabama, Mississippi tot Kentucky.

Price’s potato-bean.


Bij ons wordt het gewas wel gekweekt.

Vermeerderen door de knollen, waarvan er een paar op een 10cm diepte geplant moeten worden.

Of zaaien.

Monardus met tekst en afbeelding: ‘(Apios americana, wordt door de Indianen hopniss en door Thomas Heriot in 1585 openauk genoemd)

From the Florida they bring certeine round rootes which are called the Beades of S. Elen. And they take this name by reason that they grow in a place of the country that is so called: they are great large rootes, devided into severall peeces, and cuttinges, every peece by it selfe, they remaine rounde as beades, which being bored in the middest, thet make of them Beads for to pray upon, which the Souldiers do hang about their necks, for a thing of great estimation. They drie them, and they are as harde as a bone, on the outwarde parte they are blacke, and within white, and the rinde is ioyned in such sorte, that the harte and it is made all one, they are wrought after they bee dry, and this Roote beeing tasted, hath a sweete smell, with a good taste. And it seemeth by the taste that it is a kinde of Spyce, for it is like to Galanga, they are of the thicknesesse of a mans thumbe, somewhat lesse, the Plant hath a great stalke: the Bowes doo spread by the grounde, and cast out the leaves broade and great, and very greene. It groweth commonly in moist places, the complexion thereof is hot in the ende of the second degree, and more drie then in the first, the vertues thereof are these.

The Indians use the hearbe beaten betweene twoo stones when they pretend to wash themselves, rubbing all their bodie with it: for they say that it knitteth their flesh togither, and comforteth them with his good smell. And this they do for the most part everie day, for the great profit that they finde in it.

In griefes of the Stomacke, the Indians doe use it by taking the pouder of it, and our Spaniardes also take it, for the same purpose, receiving it in wine, being ground small, of the which I have seene notable experience in some.

In the griefe of the Stone of the Kidneis or Reines, the Pouder of this Roote woorketh a knowen effect. For that some have taken this roote made into Pouder in wine, having the grief, and it hath taken it away. And I marvel not at al that his manifest quantitie is sufficient, to work the like effectes.

In griefes of the Urine of them that cannot pisse wel, by taking the pouder it doth profite, and expell it. A thing used of many that have come from those partes, for that they have proved it in the like evils, and here hath beene seene the same experience. And one that had a Stone which hee coulde not avoide from him, used certaine daies the Pouder of this roote, and did easily avoide the same. A Souldier brought Beades at his Necke, made of these rootes and met with mee one day, and asked mee if I knew those Beades, and of what they were made, he said it was tolde him that they were rootes of Gentiana. But I declared unto him that the Beades were made of certaine rootes, that were in the port of Saint Elen, that they were not made of Gentiana. And then he told me great vertues of them, and the effectes very rare that the use of them had wrought which I did beleeve: for it seemeth well, in the roote that they have great medicinall vertues, according tot heir fashion, and sweete smell, and by that which I had experimented of them.

Zie verder: volkoomenoudeherbariaenmedisch.nl/ en: volkoomen.nl